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Rolex Submariner -The difference between VSF, Clean, C+ and the Genuine, 与正品之间的不同

Now a lot of people know that the submariners produced by the VS factory and the clean factory are excellent, In fact, the C+ factory is also excellent, This time we compare these 3 factories with the original Watch. 現在很多人都知道VS工廠和clean工廠生產的潛艇都優秀,其實C+工廠也優秀,這次我們對比一下這3家工廠和原版手錶。

The submariners of these 3 factories look almost like the original from the outside

Of the 4 watches in the picture above, can you find out which one is genuine?They are, from left to right, Genuine, VSF, Clean, C+F. It’s not easy to figure out, we need to look at the partially enlarged picture. 在上圖中的4款手錶中,你能找出哪一款是正品嗎?它們從左到右分別是正品,VSF,Clean,C+F。 這並不容易弄清楚,我們需要看看部分放大的圖片

The color of the dial is similar, but you can see that the VS factory’s dial color light reflection texture is not very obvious, When you zoom in on this image, you’ll notice that the original dial has reflective textures in different lighting(Brushed effect), both clean and C+ have the same effect as the original. So in the dial color, clean and C+ are better. Note: This difference is difficult to spot and can only be noticed if you turn the watch slowly under a light source. The triangle at 12 o’clock on the dial, it looks better for the VS version錶盤的顏色相似,但可以看到VS工廠的錶盤顏色光反射紋理不是很明顯,當你放大這張圖時,你會發現原來的錶盤在不同的光線下都有反射紋理(拉絲效果),無論是clean還是C+都有和正品一樣的效果。所以在錶盤顏色上,clean和C+更好。注意:這種差異很難發現,只有在光源下緩慢轉動手錶時才能注意到。錶盤上12點鐘位置的三角形,VS版看起來更好

Super luminous is almost the same, 夜光幾乎是一樣的,

In terms of font, the original one is sharper, The other 3 factories are almost identical,字體方面,原來的更銳利,其他3家工廠幾乎相同

The color and scale of the bezel are almost the same, In fact, the bezels of these 3 factories are produced by the same factory, they are exactly the same, and they are close to the original, this ceramic bezel never fades.表圈的顏色和比例幾乎相同,其實這3家工廠的邊框都是同一家工廠生產的,一模一樣,而且都接近原版,這款陶瓷表圈永不褪色。

This bead looks VS closer to the original, It’s not that its color is close, it’s that its shape is close, In the genuine Rolex, the color of this bead is not fixed, and the bead color of each watch will be a little different, Its color changes over time, so there is no reference value in comparing the color of the beads here, Only the shape of the beads can be compared here, VS the closest.這顆珠子看起來VS更接近原版,不是它的顏色接近,而是它的形狀接近,在正品勞力士中,這顆珠子的顏色不是固定的,每塊手錶的珠子顏色會略有不同,它的顏色會隨著時間而變化,所以這裡比較珠子的顏色沒有參考價值, 這裡只能比較珠子的形狀,VS最接近原版。

Clean’s pointer shape is closer to the original, and Clean’s pointer is as smooth as the original. Regarding the bearing in the center of the pointer, genuine watches are not all the same, some are solid intermediate bearings, some are not, so this also has no reference value. Clean的指標形狀更接近原始形狀,Clean的指標與原始指標一樣平滑。關於指標中心的軸承,正品手錶並不都一樣,有些是實心中間軸承,有些不是,所以這個也沒有參考價值。

Calendar and crowns are not much different, 日曆和皇冠沒有太大區別

The details of the black dial can be referred to the green dial above, They differ even less. from left to right, Genuine, Clean, VSF, C+F 從左到右,正品,clean,VSF,C + F。

Original heavy 156g

Rolex Submariner  Clean, heavy

Clean heavy 159g

VSF 157g

C+ 158g

The Submariner weight of these 3 factories is also almost the same as the original, the Submariner is already a good replica, this time using a 40mm Submariner, the quality of these three factories is similar, the movement is the same (last time we introduced their movement) If it is 41 choose VS better. Some people always think that it is not perfect, such as hands, mirrors, they pay a high price to modify, they think that this will make the watch closer to the original, in fact, the modification is more different from the original, because they get the wrong Information that it really needs to be modified again

這3個工廠的潛航者重量也和原裝幾乎一樣,潛航者已經是一個很好的複刻了,這次使用的是40mm的潛航者,這三個工廠的品質都差不多,機芯也是一樣的(上次我們介紹過它們的機芯)如果是41選擇VS更好。 有些人總是認為它還不夠完美,比如指標,鏡面,他們花很高的價格去改裝,他們以為這樣會讓手錶更加接近原裝,其實改裝后與原裝差別更大, 因為他們得到錯誤的信息被騙去改裝

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