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Some frequently asked questions that have no answers

Now, the quality of replica watches has improved a lot, they are getting closer and closer to the original, I often receive some questions in my mailbox, but there are some questions that I can’t answer you because I can’t find the right answer, here, I list some questions that I can’t answer.

(1)Which is the best replica watch? Is it exactly the same as the original? In some people’s opinion, a good replica watch should be 100% consistent with the original. I can’t tell you which watch is the best, but I will tell you, there is no replica watch that is exactly the same as the original. Even if these replica watches are constantly updated, there will always be some details that are different from the original

(2)Which factory produces the best replica watches?There is really no definitive answer to this, it mainly depends on which watch, the best version of different watches usually comes from different factories, different times, and you may get different answers

(3)What is the difference between this watch and the original? Although I touch the watch a lot, almost every day, but they are all replicas, I rarely touch the original, I can only tell you a watch with obvious differences, but this watch may not be the watch you want

(4)When will this watch be available and how long do I have to wait? Some of the best quality watches are not available right away and need to be booked in advance, Even wait a few months. I can’t tell you exactly how long you have to wait, it’s up to the factory. Now factories, in order not to be raided and inspected, do not disclose what products they released when

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